Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Doug Henning

A big believer in Transcendental Meditation, he practiced it faithfully. I learned a lot about his life while on a magic tour last month. People I met who had the opportunity to meet Doug Henning said that he was an interesting personality. Someone commented, although he said at the time it was because he was just so in 'awe' with meeting his idol, that Doug had an 'aura' about him.

He was also known to have given up chances to meet a lot of 'influential' people because of his faith in Transcendental spiritualism. I know there is a book on Doug Henning's life and I will one day get the chance to read it. I always knew he was an influence on my life through his magic, his positivity, and his attitude. When I found out he was Canadian, from Oakville, I was that much more impressed. Unfortunately he died too early but he left a great legacy behind for all to contemplate.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Can You Measure Depth?

Inside all of us is that place we go to seek rest and comfort.

How old must you have to be to start your search?

Some people believe you have to understand it first. Children, not all children but some children, start as a way of using their imaginations. This is the biggest power a child can possess when wanting to know about transcendental meditation. A child has no fear and can sometimes manage to stay still long enough to enjoy the sensation of just being.

This is how I began my study of meditation by just stopping one day as a child and just crossed my legs and sat really still. The noise in my head receded and I became aware of my breathing and I let no thoughts come into my brain and just breathed. Everything suddenly made more sense. I was calm. It was like presenting myself anew. I was more than sand and sea; more than thunder and rain. I was everything.

So many things happened in the 1980's during that time that I am glad I got through unscathed. Some were not so lucky. I was too young to explain to others what it took to have clear focus and so a lot of my family believed I was drawing and listening to radio when I was using my mind and enjoying myself.

I am stronger about myself because I took the journey when I was younger. I grasped a lot. I learned as I grew about the transcendental state and through the rock band "Police" learned about Carl Jung and through my "Man in Society" classes learned about the mind that by the time I was already 16 I was already self-aware. I knew my place, and my purpose for being. I read a lot of books - my library was my second home. It was a great place to meditate too.

Since then, I have never stopped the journey inside and outside and there should be no ignorance to how it can help keep life running smoothly.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

My Own Truths

We are all children of the Universe. We are so unique to each other but NOT to the Universe. It has known our kind for eons. Spreading through the great cosmos of the outer reaches of any telescope forever. It is a choice we make to be asleep to the fact that we are not from this place or awake to the realization that we are a great experiment in tolerance. I came to the truth when I put religion aside and looked at life itself. (For anyone who has tried to take themselves out of their religion will realize how deep this type of society really is.) How did we think we were alone in this universe? We are definitely not alone. The problem is we are such a TINY planet in the solar system that even if I were looking for signs of life I would have missed us completely! We have no idea what is really out there! That's why as a humanity we need to exercise patience. One thing that made me enjoy the words of poets was the ease they allowed us. Although we may be suffering with this life, there is something good out there telling us to just hold on, because they're coming to help. We have to keep each other going. I am waiting on it myself. I want to see it happen because I wanted to be here. I was meant to be here in the cosmic scheme of it all. I came early just because I have always been so eager to see change! There is no room for intolerance. If I thought there was going to be so many people acting so cruelly toward each other I would have changed my mind and not come at all! We are all doing the best we can with this life so enjoy it...Because I know I am.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Surrounded by Love

Talk to yourself once and I while out loud. Do it alone of course and always make sure that what you say makes sense. Sometimes when we speak out loud we remind ourselves that we can produce sound and thoughts can be altered by words.

We are vibrating sound moving creatures and able to imitate the world around us but when speaking to yourself make sure you are honest and don't imitate what others say to you. Don't lie to yourself. Seek a truth within. If you recite a poem make it in your own words or change it to be your words.

Understand that there is more that surrounds us than this physical plane. As many stroke victims will tell you - we are ever expansive beings with no real end. It's true. This body is just a vessel. We must maintain it to live. We must treat it with respect. Internally we must keep strong. Tell the outside realm of your goals, your dreams and aspirations and your ideas and something permanently may motivate you to continue to move forward.

Just for all of you who have missed my blogs for so long, I have returned to give more light thoughts and suggestions for those seeking to reach inner harmony.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Lazarus Returns

*This is an old dream I had:

He stands before me
I'm still not sure who or what he wants
I gesture with my hand in curiousity
He nods to explain.....

He is naked and exposed in spirit
Without a word he stands;
Eyes now closed as in a trance-like sleep;
Somnambulist - free of reality.

He has been wounded both mentally and physically
Every wound resembles holes deep in his flesh;
No blood - just deep dark holes.

Opening his eyes once more he points to a hole in his chest -
Close to his heart.
Afraid I had done some evil,
I quickly pull my hand back to my side.

He reaches into the hole,
Putting his hand deep into his abdomen.
Repulsed I feel he will stop his heart
As if to end all his suffering...

He hunches slightly forward and he winces
My God! He's going to die!
He stands straight up and slowly removes his hand from within -
And with it comes a beautiful healthy rose.

He speaks:
"For all the pain you caused me;
All the anger and strife -
You've remained close to my heart,
And a rose signifies my love for you..."

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Love Surrounds Us...

Please believe that there is a place within that we can find a common ground in which to take a step away and breathe.

Write it down. Surprisingly, it relieves a lot of pressure! That's what makes blogs so great...It's a pure white background on which to type big bold letters of truth. Its what collects in the unconscious mind and wishes to reveal. Some truths come through. From the stories we've read, and all the great things we've accomplished not just for mankind but for our own personal reward. To know there is a spot in our mind to reflect and know that we are surrounded by love...If you are feeling that you are not, you must look around to see what is causing you to not be loved, and fix it.

Picture yourself on a boat on a river...With tangerine trees and marmalade skies...

Can you feel the love?

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Chasing Peace...

It seems to be a hard thing sometimes to put time aside for a little peace and quiet. Sometimes it feels as if you are often forced to move in many different directions at once. Sometimes when seeking peace and solitude seems impossible but it is always good to know that there are many avenues you can use to escape the bustle of it all...Even if it happens to be closing your eyes for a few minutes.

Imagining yourself somewhere just momentarily may create that little piece of separation you need to find peace. I highly recommend getting a set of headphones and playing your favorite relaxing music (it doesn't have to be something ambient or something with birds twittering in the background but music that allows you to "float" for a little while), if it makes you feel good it may provide you with that little bit of happiness and could even improve your mental health. If it provokes a happy feeling inside that's all that matters and gives you peace.

Peace to you!